The ART ROOM focus this spring has been on Observational Drawing, Ceramics, and Weaving. Students of all ages have been involved in activities which challenge their preconceived notions of these mediums:
In Primary Art Class the students have been experimenting with clay-- pounding it, stamping it and shaping it:
Primary Art Students have also been experimenting with weaving on CD's:
Inspired by their studies in the classroom, Primary students created several collaborative paintings of Mythical Creatures:
Kindergarten Art Students have enjoyed "Buddy Weaving" in which they help each other as they learn to weave on a loom together. The "Buddy's" job is to check work as they go along, answer questions, and encourage their buddies. They are very good at all three of these tasks!
Kindergarteners also enjoyed experimenting with clay and making pinch pots:
Lastly, The Kindergarten students enjoyed creating paper with a painted texture to use in their upcoming farm animal collages:
In First Grade the students are continuing their "Trip Around the World" as part of their classroom social studies curriculum. These trips provide a wonderful opportunity to learn about the art in different countries. The students have been influenced by Japanese Watercolors, Australian Dream Symbol Paintings and Ceramic Boomerangs, as well as the colorful textiles of Mexico:
Second Grade Artists have been drawing, painting, weaving, and working with ceramics. After the Teacher Appreciation Day in February we seized the opportunity to paint all of the beautiful flowers. The students were challenged to look primarily at the flowers, instead of at their paper, and to try to quickly draw the shapes and lines they saw. Then they added watercolor:
As part of their study of the Native American Culture the art students in Second Grade made "Fetishes" out of clay. Typically these animal "good luck charms" are carved from stone and decorated with beads and feathers. The Zuni people of the Southwest area are the most famous for their carved treasures.
Second Graders also enjoyed experimenting with clay, stamping and glazing:
Last but not least, the Second Graders love to create large collaborative drawings when they are finished with various assignments in art. They have become quite adept at working together:
Third Graders have also been drawing, painting, weaving, and working with ceramics. They were challenged to create their own visions of dragons out of clay; the variety of these imaginative beasts is remarkable. The third grader's weaving challenge was to learn to set up the looms on their own and to create a plaid design. Math skills came into play and there were many problem solving opportunities.
Please come and see this year's All-School Project on Display until Mid-May: Individual Shadow Boxes made by all of the students in the school! The Preprimary students will be completing theirs in the next few weeks.
MOREART SUMMER program is now fully enrolled. If you would like to be on the waitlist for any of the sessions, please contact me. Sometimes things change.