Monday, September 16, 2019

Fall 2019


Welcome, AND Welcome Back, to the Art Room at CHS!

We are off to a great start this year with a focus on Celebrating the Earth! As the year goes along you will hear more about this School-Wide Theme and this year's Collaborative Project. The first few weeks of art are all about getting re-connected with our creative side and the joy we share in art making!
As in the past, the focus in art class is on experimenting, observing, wondering, expressing personal and collective "voice", and on developing each student's visual expressive skills. All of the students at CHS in Primary through Third Grade come to the Art Room once a week in half groups. This small group design gives us the opportunity to really engage in art experiences and projects that are designed to introduce young artists to a variety of art materials and techniques, integrate student's learning with their classroom social studies curriculum, as well as give them an opportunity to develop their skills.
In addition to having fun, the time students spend engaged in art making provides them with opportunities to practice valuable "Studio Habits of Mind". These particular ways of thinking have been researched by educators through Harvard's Project Zero, and have been identified to include: Engaging & Persisting, Envisioning, Expressing, Observing, Reflecting, Stretching & Exploring, Developing Craft, and Understanding the Art World (Collaborating is part of this).
In the welcoming art activity (pictured above), the students had an opportunity to exercise many of these "Studio Habits of Mind". They made marks with markers on absorbant paper, and then used pipettes to drop water on each dot of color. The students were prompted to ask themselves the question, "What would happen if I...?" each time they tried a new paper. They were engaged! They persisted and they observed what happened each time. They collaborated, and reflected at the end of the activity:
  • They discovered the different ways the marker color reacted to the water when it was in dots, as opposed to lines.
  • They wondered why the color travelled in one direction instead of another when they dropped the water on it.
  • They moved their papers in space to see what effects they could create.
There was a lot of good thinking and experimenting going on. One student said, "This reminds me of science class." Yes, indeed, science and art both share exploration and experimenting, as well as wondering.
This summer I was thinking a lot about art at CHS. I attended 2 intensive professional development courses and there was a common thread I found in them. That thread was this: The importance of good questions for deeper thinking and wondering. It is my goal this year to encourage the students to also ask themselves meaningful questions when they are making their art. I would like to create a culture of questioning in the art room. You can help too, by asking them open ended questions and by inviting conversation about their observations and their art work. Here are a few good ways to start:
  • What do you think will happen if...
  • Tell me more about what you mean by that...(in response to a short answer)
  • You worked hard on that, can you tell me about your picture?

A few photos from the first few days of class:

Primary students looked carefully at their faces.
After a close look, the Primary students created self-portraits.

Kindergarten students drew in sand
to get their creative juices flowing.
Then the kindergarten students
created drawings celebrating our EARTH!
Second graders began their Hidden Name Paintings.
Third graders created figures that are
 "Dancing like Nobody is Watching".
Third graders used their prior knowledge to sort images of art work.
What made the images the same or different?

The 2019-20 Art Class Schedule is as follows:

Classes come to the art room in half groups:
Monday- Planning, Displays, Meetings & Communication, MOREART after school
Tuesday- Kindergarten 12:30-1:15 and 1:30-2:15
Wednesday- First Grade 12:30-1:15 and 1:15-2:00
Thursday- Third Grade 12:30-1:15 and 1:15-2:00
Friday- Primary 10:15-10:45 and 10:45-11:15
            Second Grade 12:30-1:15 and 1:15-2:00

Miscellaneous Information:

Please join us for Back to School Night, September 26th. You can visit the Art Room and other Specialists starting at 6:30.
Links to additional information about Art at CHS:
A welcome introduction I wrote a few years ago about "What happens in the Art Room? 
Information about MOREART:
If you have any questions about art at CHS, please contact me through email: