The School-Wide Shadow Box Project
We made Paper Doll People. |
We made Shrinky-Dinks to represent our interests. |
We painted our boxes. |
We learned about Joseph Cornell, an artist who made Shadow Boxes. |
We put our names in the boxes. |
We assembled the items we made and the items we brought from home into our boxes. |
We helped each other figure out how to attach
the wire and beads.
Once all the boxes are completed and displayed, we will share them with our classmates and have a Scavenger Hunt throughout the school to learn about each other!
This School-Wide Project is a great example of how we incorporate the
Harvard Project Zero Eight Studio Habits of Mind into the framework of the
art curriculum at CHS. In this project the students:
- Develop Craft- learned art skills while making their boxes
- Engage & Persist- worked on this project over the course of several weeks
- Envision- imagined and visualized their boxes while creating them
- Express- created personal meaning
- Observe- learned connections between their schoolmates through observation
- Reflect- discussed their boxes and shared their decisions with classmates
- Stretch & Explore- learned from mistakes and accidents, problem solved
- Understand Art World- learned about Joseph Cornell
are starting to go up and will be displayed through our Multi-Cultural Day
Celebration in May!
There are still spaces available in the Summer MOREART program (for students entering first-fourth grade in the fall). The first session is almost full. For Information please contact me: